Thursday, August 28, 2014

Re-action time: Could you have fared better?

Re-Action time and Distance...

 From purely a training perspective, remember what we talk about in class and the need the bad-guy feels to get close (control-comfort and to draw less attention). Look at the distance here and think what the bad-guys re-action time would have been had the victim had a pre-practiced plan for this? Did the bad-guy divide his own attention by looking around and eyes-off-target? Could you have neutralized this threat before he pulled the trigger?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

VIDEOs: not the only view...

Cant always base an opinion off of your first glance/view... Remember, video only shows one angle and a limited one at that. There are always lots of "attendant circumstances" that are not seen on video that impact the officer's decisions.

Watch this video:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

slots still avaialble

Upcoming Tactical Knife Options certification courses:

·         September 24 hosted by Lakewood PD

·         October 23 hosted by Greeley PD

·         November 17, 18 hosted by Goshen CSO (WY)

Emil to register

Ferguson's 6 top use-of-force questions

According to Bureau of Justice Statistics data from 2008, there roughly 765,000 sworn officers in the United States — and an absurdly small number ever fire their weapons outside of training
Due to the success of American policing, our citizenry is able to remain blissfully unaware of the terrible dynamics of encountering an attack or resistance. That success fortunately means that most people are safely protected from harm but it also means there are some common concerns and misconceptions about what it’s like to be attacked, and importantly, what it’s like to respond to an attack.
This is largely responsible for the chorus of questions about the officer-involved shooting in Ferguson. It probably makes it more likely that you’ll be asked these questions by the people you protect. 
If you find yourself in such a discussion, here are some facts you might use to generate deeper understanding for them.
1. “Why did the officer shoot him so many times?”
Shooting events are over far faster than most people think. According to a scientifically-validated study on reaction times, the time from a threat event to recognition of the threat (the decision making process) is 31/100 second. The mechanical action of pulling the trigger is as fast as 6/100 of a second. 
A decision to stop shooting uses the same mental process and, because of the multitude of sensory experiences the brain is processing, actually typically takes longer than the decision to shoot — closer to half a second. Since the trigger pull is still operating as fast as 6/100th of a second, it is entirely possible to fire many times within under two seconds.
Half of those trigger pulls might be completed after a visual input that a subject is no longer presenting a threat. 
Further, it can take over a second for a body to fall to the ground after being fatally shot. This means that a shooting incident can be over before you have the time you say “one Mississippi, two Mississippi.”
Even multiple shots don’t guarantee that a person will not continue to advance or attack.
This also means that a person with intent to shoot a police officer can fire a fatal shot far faster than an officer can draw, get on target, and fire if the officer is reacting to a weapon already displayed. An untrained person handling a firearm for the first time can easily fire three times in 1.5 seconds after they decide to shoot. 
Courts have consistently ruled that suspect behavior that appears to be consistent with an impending firearms attack is a reasonable basis for the officer to fire, whether or not a weapon is clearly visible. 
2. “He had a bullet wound on his hand. Doesn’t that mean his hands were up?”
Time is always an element in a physical confrontation. If you run any video and put an elapsed-time digital clock to it you’ll be amazed at the speed of life. 
Research has shown that a person fleeing the police can turn, fire, and turn back by the time an officer recognizes the threat and fires back, resulting in a shot to the back of the suspect. A shot in any part of the body where the subject is moving is dependent on the trajectory of the officer, the weapon, and the subject meeting at a tiny point of time in space. 
Unless a person is immobile and executed by shots from a shooter who is stationary, the entry point of any single bullet wound has limited capacity to reveal the exact movements in a dynamic situation. The whole forensic result must be carefully examined.
3. “What difference does it make if a person committed a crime if the officer contacting them didn’t know about it?”
If the person being contacted by the police knows he is a suspect in some criminal activity, it could have a significant effect on his behavior toward that officer.
Research on fear, aggression, and frustration dates back to the 1930s — the link between these emotions and behaviors is has been noted by organizations such as the National Criminal Justice Reference Service.
The frustration-aggression link was clearly shown in the surveillance video in which when Brown repeatedly shoved the clerk who tried to interfere with his theft of cigars.
It matters little that the officer had no knowledge of the crime which took place 10 minutes before he contacted Brown and his accomplice. 
Brown knew full well and good about that crime, and having an officer contact him in such a short timeframe after the incident could very well have affected the decisions he made during that contact. 
4. “How is it fair to shoot an unarmed teenager?”
If a person is six feet and four inches tall, and weights almost 300 pounds, that person’s physical stature alone gives them the potential capacity to harm another person. 
In Missouri, the most recent annual murder total is 386 — of those, 106 were committed without a firearm. 
According to the FBI, in every year from 2008 to 2012, more people were murdered in the United States using only hands and feet than were murdered by persons armed with assault rifles. 
Hands, fists, feet, etc.
 A police officer knows that every call is a ‘man with a gun’ call, because if he or she loses his weapon or other equipment, the situation can turn deadly for the officer. If the investigation concludes that the officer was defeating a gun grab, use of deadly force is quite reasonable. 
5. “What about all these shootings by police?”
According to Bureau of Justice Statistics data from 2008, there are about 765,000 sworn police officers employed at the roughly 18,000 state and local law enforcement agencies in America. How many people are shot and killed by those officers every year in the United States? 
According to FBI data, 410 Americans were justifiably killed by police. To put that into a little more context, note that civilians acting in self-defense killed 310 persons during that same time period.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics says that one in five persons over 12 years of age has a face- to- face police contact during the study year for a total of 45 million contacts. 
Force was reported by arrestees in less than one percent of those contacts. Of those who reported use of force, most self-reported that they had engaged in at least one of the following:
•    Threatening the officer
•    Interfering with the officer in the arrest of someone else
•    Arguing with the officer
•    Assaulting the officer
•    Possessing a weapon
•    Blocking an officer or interfering with his or her movement
•    Trying to escape or evade the officer
•    Resisting being handcuffed
•    Inciting bystanders to become involved
•    Trying to protect someone else from an officer
•    Drinking or using drugs at the time of the contact
6. “Why are the police militarized?” 
Ferguson Police Department has no tactical or armored vehicles in its inventory, and no SWAT team. No extraordinary equipment was in use by the officer who shot Michael Brown. The special equipment used in Ferguson was put in use only AFTER the violent response to the news of the shooting became evident. 
To claim that the gear and the vehicles caused the violence reverses the cause-effect sequence. The danger was obvious, and the appropriate equipment was brought to deal with the situation. 
Outside of a crowd-control context, there are many reasons why police need what some would define as “military” equipment.
If there is a school shooting and there is an injured child on the playground while the shooting is still active, do you want your police department to have the ability to rescue the child?  
If yes, that means the department will need an armored vehicle. 
Can you imagine a circumstance where a police officer would be assaulted by someone throwing a brick at him or her, or trying to hit them over the head? If so, they need a helmet. 
Would there ever be a time when an officer would be in a hazardous material environment and need a breathing mask? Then they need gas masks. 
We aren’t taking away fire trucks because they are too big or hardly ever used to their full, firefighting capacity — most fire service calls are medical in nature. 
It’s the same principle. 
There are a lot of questions related to the Ferguson situation that don’t yet have answers, and no one should pretend to know exactly what happened on August 9. But it is important that we educate the public about issues such as the use of force, the use of specialized equipment, and the dynamics of human performance during high-stress incidents. 
Let’s begin in earnest to have those conversations with our citizens. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Why would an officer need offensive training with a duty-knife?

Why would an officer need offensive training with a duty-knife?

One scenario:  If someone is trying to disarm an officer it is a deadly-threat. And if the officer can’t use his firearm (because the bad guy has his hands wrapped around it) to neutralize the threat; then the duty-knife makes an excellent second deadly force option. A knife is an extremely viable tool for this type of situation.

“…the inmate was able to grab the deputy's gun; the inmate shot the deputy in the abdomen… ”

Friday, August 22, 2014

Colorado Deputy stabbed

"Rio Blanco County Sheriff Si Woodruff is in the hospital after he was stabbed in the parking lot of Pioneers Hospital Thursday while trying to make an arrest."

For full story, follow the link:

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Wolf necessitates the Sheepdog

With all the rampant second-guessing, liberal arm-chair quarterbacking and general disdain of our LEOs based on lack of understanding and education, I felt compelled to throw this together.

Monday, August 18, 2014


Force Science News #262‏
I. Tests on controlling resistant suspects show need for fitness scrutiny

Researchers at a police college in Norway have confirmed what intuitively seems obvious: an officer's fitness level correlates significantly with his or her ability to control resistant subjects during arrest.

"[O]ne of the most critical and stressful physical tasks" of police work is "getting control of a struggling suspect," writes Thomas Dillern of the Norwegian Police University College, who led the research team. Indeed, "the apprehension of a strongly intractable described as the most commonly occurring maximal physical exertion in the profession," Dillern says, sometimes resulting in serious officer injury or death.

Yet "the relationship between general physical fitness and the ability to cope" with that challenge has been "scarcely examined," Dillern states, until the study by his team.

Their conclusion: All things considered, the data "emphasize the need, and the justification, of implementing monitoring of physical fitness" throughout an officer's career "to ensure the police are capable of performing their job" as they age.

NOTE: Don't miss the sobering observations about the study from Force Science Executive Director Dr. Bill Lewinski near the end of this article.

PHYSICAL RIGORS. Dillern and his researchers selected 19 male volunteers who had completed three years of education at the Police University College, including "mandatory courses related to physical training and arrest handling." After such variables as age and body mass index (BMI) were recorded, the subjects first completed four physical tests and then, within two weeks later, executed takedowns and self-defense tactics against a struggling or aggressive opponent, simulating a resisted arrest.

The physical capability tests, graded on a scale of 0-60 by experienced observers, consisted of:
• a bench press, in which the officers lifted as much weight as they could for one rep, to assess maximum upper-body strength;
• controlled chin ups from a fully extended hanging position, as many times as they could until exhausted, to measure upper-body strength endurance;
• a standing long jump, to evaluate explosive power, and
• a 3,280-yard run without spiked shoes on a standard track-and-field course, testing aerobic capacity and reflecting the exertion that might occur during a foot pursuit.

Dillern explains that large-muscle strength in the upper body is important "especially [for] the pushes and pulls during the apprehension of an intractable subject," making the "the performances in the bench press and the pull up tests...the most influential factors affecting the arrest handling performance." However, to maintain a balanced stance while struggling with a resister, "a higher strength and power capacity in the lower extremities are beneficial" as well.

DEFENSIVE CONTROLS. The arrest-handling tests again consisted of four elements: a one-on-one takedown; a two-officers/one suspect takedown; a struggle in which the officers might have to counterattack an attacking opponent with kicks and punches; and a self-defense exercise in which the volunteers had to free themselves from a variety of strangleholds.

Each of these tests had four levels of difficulty, ranging from little or no actual movement by the suspect role-player up to full-sparring, aggressive and threatening behavior. The officers had to successfully achieve and sustain control of their suspect with empty-hand techniques to the point of handcuffing at a given level before moving up to the next. They were scored according to how far they advanced.

"To the best of our knowledge," Dillern writes, "this is the first study to examine [the fitness] relationship by the use of a real struggling subject to assess the arrest performance."

STRONG RESULTS. "[W]e found a large correlation between police students' general physical capacity and their ability to handle a simulated arrest test," the researchers report. Namely: "[A] higher physical fitness affects the outcome of the arrest situation in a positive manner."

The study also documented a negative correlation between age and both the physical tests and the arrest tests. Dillern terms "disturbing" this finding that as age increases, performance decreases.

An officer typically "spends much of the working day carrying out low-intensity activity, and the occupation is therefore mainly described as sedentary," he writes. However, regularly emerging episodes...are often occurring and can be stressful, critical, and even life threatening for both the officer and the surrounding civilians.

 "Even if the major part of the job can be executed independent of a police officer's physical fitness, some tasks still demand a certain level of fitness to be handled, and if the officer is not capable of managing these tasks, it can be questioned if he or she is capable of doing the job at all.

"Consequently, to ensure that officers are capable of performing their job, some minimum requirements of general physical fitness ought to be upheld."

SOBERING OBSERVATIONS. The Force Science Institute was not involved in the Norwegian study, but based on related research FSI has conducted, plus his own professional experiences across a career in law enforcement training, Dr. Bill Lewinski offers some sobering observations on certain of the group's findings.

"The results of the physical capability tests are remarkable," he told Force Science News. "These were the averages among the study subjects: bench press--235 pounds; chin-ups--15; long jump--8 feet 4 inches; time for the roughly two-mile run--11 minutes 53 seconds. The average participating officer weighed 181 pounds and stood just under 6 feet.

"In all likelihood, fewer than 10 per cent of officers upon graduating from any academy in North America would be able to match these performance standards. And from a fitness standpoint, that is when officers tend to be at their absolute peak.

"In one survey of 226 US officers with time on the job, only a minority felt they could 'very well' perform such relatively simple tasks as completing 21 push-ups, negotiating an agility obstacle course, performing 36 sit-ups, sitting and reaching 16 ? inches, and bench pressing their own body weight. And these tests are far less demanding that what the researchers in Norway used.

"In the study of physical exhaustion conducted by the Force Science Institute a few years ago, we found that the average officer's pulse rate hit 180 beats per minute within 20 seconds of all-out exertion, such as would be experienced in a struggle with a resistant suspect. That represents a dramatic stressing of an officer's physical system and capabilities." For more about this study, go to: .

Lewinski suggests that officers reading about the Norwegian study measure their own ability against the physical capabilities tests those researchers used, as cited earlier in this article. "The message for many officers," he says, "will be: 'Get to a gym! Do it now! Don't wait!' "

The Norwegian study, titled "Arresting a Struggling Subject; Does the Forthcoming Police Officer's Physical Fitness Have an Impact on the Outcome?", is reported in full in The Open Sports Sciences Journal. Click here to access it without charge.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

cutting demo vid

For those of you who were in class today, here is the video of the pork cutting demo I told you about.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

what people hate

From Brian Willis….

In my seminars on the Pursuit of Personal Excellence and What's Important Now? I talk about change and people's resistance to change. I even use the following quote:

Most people hate two things:
1.They hate change.
2.And, they hate the way things are.

In a recent Gapingvoid Art blog post Hugh MacLeod put a new spin on resistance to change for me. MacLeod says, "People don't resist change. They resist being changed…..People want guidance - they don't want to feel controlled."

A powerful insight into the resistance around change. When you view the resistance from this perspective you realize that in order to effect a cultural change in an organization it is critical to provide people with tools, strategies, tactics, goals, and a clear understanding of the 'Why'.  (Watch Simon Sinek's TED talk How Great Leaders Inspire Action, Simon Sinek for an explanation of the importance of starting with 'Why'.)

One of the simplest and most effective change tools you can give people is an understanding of Life's Most Powerful Question - What's Important Now? Embracing the power of this simple question allows you to gain greater clarify regarding the choices, challenges and decisions facing you every day. You will very quickly be able to determine what is really a priority and then reestablish focus and commitment to what is important. I am continually amazed at the stories and feedback I receive from people regarding how they have applied this simple, but powerful question to inspire excellence in both themselves and others.

What's Important Now? - Embrace Life's Most Powerful Question. Make it part of your life and your success rituals, and share it with others in your life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Pain and Fear

Interesting read this morning:

Pain and Fear:
Both originate internally.

Pain can be viewed two ways:  
1. The body awakening and telling us that something is wrong; fix it.
2. You are getting better; pushing yourself and getting stronger/faster.

Either way, it is a tool that you can use to drive and motivate yourself to do more; improve your situation; or fix something.

Fear is a choice we make. We decide, based off of our experience and perceptions, whether to be afraid or not. More importantly, we choose how to use that fear.

Both Pain and Fear are internally driven tools that we have complete power of how to use them; discard them; or succumb to them.

Misconception: Most people think that something externally is the source of our pain or fear; that something or someone else has that power over us. Not true! We choose how to respond to external factors.

That is why one person can go fetal and freeze when someone is mean to them while another (the warrior) simply sees a challenge or an opportunity to put into practice skills they train in. Why one person is terrified of a thunderstorm and another stands in the rain enjoying the raw power of nature. It is a choice.