Thursday, November 21, 2013

Being conncected

In speaking with a colleague, we were discussing the obvious connectedness between several different books on leadership. Although the authors approach the topic from varying perspectives (religious, business, military…), the core messages and principles are the same. Later in the day I was drinking some tea and reading and I came across this little gem and found it too relevant not to share:

“In modern society, a great separation has taken place between the various aspects of our lives. Many people feel that they need to leave the values and principles of their faith outside certain activities in the same way you leave a coat in a waiting room. The modern world tries to separate faith from reason, the professional from the personal, and the means from the end. This separationist approach destroys unity in life and creates the modern madness of feeling torn in two…”  

Life is a cycle and everything is connected. Spirit, mind and body in everything we do. To try and separate them is self-destructive. To ignore one is to weaken the others. Look at the truly happy and successful (not the same as rich) people you know. They live a connected life.

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