Friday, December 28, 2012

OODA loop

A simple definition of Boyd's O.O.D.A. cycle / loop:

The OODA loop is a decision making model developed by US Air Force Colonel John Boyd. It is also known as the OODA cycle or Boyd’s loop. It is a concept that has been strategically applied at individual as well as group levels. Understanding the OODA loop allows officers to prepare general tactics for commonly encountered situations as well as specific tactics when detailed circumstances are known ahead of time.


A simple OODA loop can be graphically represented as this:

simple ooda loop The OODA Loop:  A simple concept for modern combat strategy

In this process every combatant observes the situation, orients himself, decides what to do, and does it. Then the process repeats itself.

  • Observe means to know what is happening through any of your five senses, not just sight.
  • Orient means to understand the meaning of what you observed. When a suspect does the “felony stretch” looking for a direction to flee as he stretches his arms overhead, an experienced officer realizes the suspect is about to take off running.
  • Decide is weighing the options available and picking one.
  • Act is carrying out the decision.

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