Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Warrior Dad

As a Dad, am I molding, leading and mentoring my sons? Am I forging living legacies? Am I honoring the blessing and duty that I have been given? I try every day. Some days I do better than others. Here are a few resources that I find myself going back to over and over. They speak to being a Man in today’s passive society and have given me countless ideas and motivation to keep on track being a Warrior-Dad.

Fun Site with lots of good info and ideas for activities and adventures:

Every Father of a boy needs to read this book: “Wild at Heart” John Eldredge

A great reminder of what being a Man is all about: “The Green Beret in You” John Giduck

I love this poem and the message that is shared by Brian this morning....

From Brian Willis: W.I.N.


If I had two wishes I know what they would be I'd wish for roots to grow on and wings to set me free.

Roots of inner value like rings upon a tree and wings of motivation to reach my destiny.

Don't make my life too easy, it's better if I try and fail and get back up and try again.

If I had two wishes and two were all I had, and they could be granted by my mom and dad.

I wouldn't wish for money and all those store bought things. Theonly thing I'd wish for is roots and wings.

 Recently I was having a discussion with a friend and mentor concerning some upcoming training I was sponsoring. He indicated he was unable to attend as he was spending the day with three of his
children while his wife was out of town with their fourth. When I asked what his wife and daughter were doing in Toronto for the weekend this was his explanation:

We told our kids that when they each turn 9 and 15 we would take them to their choice of any place in Canada. The requirement was that they have to research it, learn about the history, etc and
plan some of the logistics. Really it is a time for one parent to bond one-on-one with the child. She picked Toronto. They are seeing a big production of the Sound of Music, going to Cirque Du Soleil,
CN tower, some shopping and then back home.

When I asked about the significance of the ages 9 and 15 he told me:
"We wanted to ensure they were old enough that it would be memories they could have and also strike a balance with recognizing them growing up into good, honest caring and respectable people (figured 9 and 12 were good years to really connect with them as individuals and reinforce how proud we are of them) but before they get older and became more interested in hanging out with their friends than taking a trip with mom or dad."

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